
Believing In Yourself

Am 29.08.2021 erscheint der aktuelle Song Believing In Yourself von Frankie Paloma auf allen Streaming- und Download-Plattformen in 251 Ländern. Die Message des Pop-Rock-Songs lautet: Komm heraus aus deinem Käfig, fange endlich an, an dich selbst zu glauben, du brauchst dich nicht zu verstecken ...

Die Vocals wurden von Kathie aus Glasgow eingesungen.

"You often imagine, you really can do it, to be a hero on a stage ..."

Hier sind die Lyrics des Songs ...


Verse 1:
You often imagine,
you really can do it
to be a hero on a stage.

But that is and remains a dream
you're too tight in your skin.
You just can't get out of your cage.
You always want to please everyone,
don't like trouble with anyone. 

You can hear this calling,
you would like to do it,
but you're scared of a falling.
Where is your pride, just do it.   

Start believing in yourself.
Look ahead, never backwards.
Accept yourself just as you are.
Don't heed the bad words
you think, you have heared.
Ignore it and show your pride.

Start believing in yourself.
Look ahead, never backwards.
Accept yourself just as you are.
One look in the mirror
and you will see it.
You really don't have to hide.

Verse 2:
It's time to get out of there.
Get out of your tight cage.
It is high time, it's time to do it now.

Straight ahead you'll come to the light.
And you'll see it's really bright
Wait just a while, you'll see it starts to flow.
You always want to please everyone,
don't like trouble with anyone.

You can hear this calling, ...

Start believing in yourself ...